Sunday, February 26, 2012


Isn't English just one of the most confusing languages around. Some letters make 2 sounds depending on which other letter is sitting next to it, vowels say 2 sometimes 3 sounds, e's do different things to different letters and words. And that's just phonics. Then there's the grammar. Instead of saying "Yesterday she sayed" we say "Yesterday she said." Instead of "We goed to gramdma's house" we say "We went to Grandma's house."

There are rules as to why we do things one way and not another. If yo
ur kids are struggling with grammar just ask them how it sounds. They have been listening to English since they were little and know how it should sound. I do recommend using terms like "Irregular Verb" and "Conjugation" so if they ever want to learn another language they already know what those words mean and how to use them. It took me a while in 8th grade Spanish class to put all those pieces together.

Here's a website I found with phonograms (ph, sh, tion) and some of the phonics rules. These rules will help you answer the dreade
d question "Why is it spelt that way?" Or my other favorite "Why do we say it that way?"

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