Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Equation race

Here's a fun game the whole family can play. You need 6 dice (3 dice with numbers 1-6 and 3 with 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9), paper and pencils.

The goal is to make the most equations before the time is up. If it's a group of younger kids (K-3) I would start with 3 minutes. For 4th -6th grade give them a minute and see how many equations you can come up with. What a great way to teach about fact families (The Commutative Property 5+2= 7 and 2+5=7). If you don't have dice with the numbers you need there are places that sell blank dice that you can then write on. 

Start by rolling all 6 dice. Set the time and see who can come up with the most equations. 

You could also just use paper if you don't have dice

First Fold 5 pieces of  paper into 8th and number them 0-9

Then put the pieces of paper into a pile.

Draw  out 6 cards and start the timer.

Make sure you decide on the rules before you play the game. Does the answer have to be one/some of the digits (numbers) on the the table? Do you want to take a chance of getting a 99 or would you like to put all the higher numbers in one pile and lower in another? Are you only adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing or can you use decimals, fractions and percents? Make your own rules according to your child's needs. If they are having a hard time with multiplication make it a rule that you must multiply. If they are having a hard time with order of operations make it a rule that you must use at least 3 math functions. 

Once the timer beeps trade papers with someone else at the table and check their math. They only get the points if the answer is correct!!

You can also use these cards and dice to play place value games. 
What is the biggest number you can make? What is the smallest number you can make? What numbers could you make with the 9 in the tens place?

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