Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ABC Mouse - Math section

I’m sad to say that the free math section is not at neat as the reading section. There aren’t as many options for the kids. They pick a number 1-10 and are shown that many objects.

The art section starts with coloring the number then that amount of objects. They then get to trace the object, complete a puzzle and play a game. The game is fun.

They are told to pick the number they are learning about. In our cause it was number 2.
The other section it the free math portion is shapes and most of the shapes are for members only. The Shapes have the same options as the numbers with the addition of a book. I really liked the book because it showed where the shapes are found in the world. After reading this book my kids and I went on a scavenger hunt to find circles, the shape they asked to look at.
There were a few other games mixed with some of the other numbers that were fun but I would most definitely supplement this with other games or hands on activities for my kids by having them count counters or other objects with the number of the day. It's just very basic math. There is no adding of numbers, no subtraction, just counting. I just looked at the free section so there might be more that I didn’t see in the members section. I recommend this section for preschoolers or early kindergartners.

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