Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Underground Railroad

Here is a neat site to help kids understand how the Underground Railroad worked. It's done by National Geographic, one of my favorite sites. Remember those books where as you read you got to decide how the story would go. They would say things like "You are at a fork in the road, if you want to turn left go to page 10 and continue reading. If you want to turn Right keep reading." This site is like that. Your choices determine what happens. You begin your journey as a slave in the 1850's and you are asked if you want to escape to freedom.

If you choose to go you are lead out of Maryland by following "Moses" (Harriet Tubman). As you go follow her you go through many of the things that the slaves did as they fled to freedom.

This isn't a game that kids would play frequently but it is a great game to visit when they are learning about African Americans, Slaves, the Civil War, or in February which is Black History Month. I also recommend doing this with your children just so you can talk about what they are hearing, reading, and seeing so they understand what it all means. This site is great for any age group, but younger kids would need help reading the dialog as they escaped to freedom.

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