Monday, June 13, 2011

Left and Right

I have noticed that many kids have problems learning which way is left and which way is right. I was thinking about this while my kids and I were driving in the car and I was telling them about a policeman on the side of the road. Instead of telling them that the policeman was on the left I told them "Look out daddy's side window."

This got me to thinking. I believe kids can do anything and have amazing potential. They just need to learn how to use it. With programs like "Your Baby can Read" coming out and telling parents that their infant can learn to read before they can talk why can't a 2 year old and a 4 year old understand left and right.

I started using these terms with my kids as my own experiment. Instead of saying we are turning this way. I tell them let's turn left. Now of course they don't understand left at first and need a little more help. The educational term is scaffolding. Think of a building that is being worked on. The workers have scaffolding along the side to help the building stay standing as it is molded. Well kids are the same way. They need help while they are being molded. My 2 and 4 year old wouldn't just understand left without me showing them. It also didn't take just once either. Every time I say left or right I point in the direction we are going or where they are to look. I also ask them questions where they have to tell me if something is on the left or right.

My 4 year old understands pretty well, my 2 year old is still working on it but will have it soon.
Kids are still learning the language so don't dumb it down. Why teach them one way just to teach it again later. Use the vocabulary you expect them to use forever so you don't have to waste time re-teaching and they don't have to waste time re-learning. Mix it up every once in a while. This will help increase their vocabulary. Once they understand left and right start using North, East, South, and West.


  1. Well done you for coming up with such an informative way of teaching right and left. The importance of play and actions in learning cannot be stressed enough :)

  2. Yes, I think you are spot on. I still have a problem with left and right!! If I am driving and my husband has to give directions, he will point in front of me as he knows I will turn the wrong way!! I have used the left and right terms with my children from a young age and so they are fine. Your newest follower will vote for you on blogger's award! I have a new game I have developed called Millionaire Times Table - to learn tables, do tell me what you think. Now following you. Glad to have found you am booking marking you now. Nina
